Illumine Life
Cultivating kindness, clarity and insight
through integral development
What is Integral Development?
Awakening to Pure Awareness
As you read this, what is actually aware? With meditation, mindfulness and direct investigation, we can shift from labyrinths of thoughts to pristine mind, the liberating, unbound, pure awareness that has always been here.
Deepening Awakening
Navigating one's life after awakening can feel like uncharted territory and present challenges. It is beneficial to have support and guidance to deepen and stabilize illumined life.
Embodied Awakened Living
Awakening is wonderful, but doesn't equate to full emotional and spiritual maturity. By illuminating shadow we can show up for others in the best possible way.
Right Livelihood - Gaia's Dream
As stewards of the Earth, we must learn to not only minimize harm to the environment, but actually regenerate the Earth. Gaia's Dream can help you create your regenerative permaculture design to provide food and beauty.